
Terms and Conditions

This page (together with our Privacy Policy, Terms of Website Use and Website Acceptable Use Policy) tells you information about us and the legal terms and conditions (Terms) on which we sell any of the products (Products) listed on our website (our site) to you. These Terms will apply to any contract between us for the sale of Products to you (Contract). Please read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them, before ordering any Products from our site. Please note that before placing an order you will be asked to agree to these Terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to order any Products from our site.

You should print a copy of these Terms or save them to your computer for future reference.

We amend these Terms from time to time as set out in clause 7. Every time you wish to order Products, please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms which will apply at that time.

These Terms, and any Contract between us, are only in the English language.


1.1 We operate the website www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk. We are Pillbox38 (UK) Limited trading as Totally Wicked, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 06781419 and with our registered office at Pillbox38 (UK) Limited, Stancliffe Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 2QR. Our VAT number is GB 922 7544 21.

1.2 Contacting us:
(a) You can e-mail us at [email protected] or contact our Customer Service Team by telephone on 01254 692244 or by post to Pillbox38 (UK) Limited, Stancliffe Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 2QR. If you are emailing us or writing to us please include details of your order to help us to identify it.
(b) If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will do so by e-mail or by pre-paid post to the address you provide to us in your order.


2.1 The descriptions and images of the Products on our site are for illustrative purposes only, we attempt to make them as accurate as possible but are not responsible for minor differences. Although we have made every effort to display the colours accurately, we cannot guarantee that your computer's display of the colours accurately reflect the colour of the Products. Your Products may vary slightly from those images.

2.2 The packaging of the Products may vary from that shown on images on our site.

2.3 We reserve the right to withdraw any Products from the website at any time and we shall not be liable to anyone for withdrawing any Products from the website or for refusing to process an order.


Your use of our site is governed by our Terms of website use and Website Acceptable Use Policy . Please take the time to read these, as they include important terms which apply to you.


We only use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please take the time to read our Privacy Policy, as it includes important terms which apply to you.


You may only purchase Products from our site if you are at least 18 years old. You will be asked to declare that you are of the appropriate legal age to purchase the Products when placing an order and we may carry out independent verification to check your age and if we discover that you are not legally entitled to order the Products, we shall be entitled to cancel the order immediately, without notice. If you falsely declare your age to us you shall be held responsible for all costs, expenses, losses, damage fines and other penalties that we may suffer or incur as a consequence of your false statement. By ordering Products from this website, you hereby consent to us undertaking a search with Veratad (or any other 3rd party age verification service) for the purposes of verifying your identity. To do so a 3rd party age verification service may check the details you supply against any particulars on any database (public or otherwise to which they have access). They may also use your details in the future to assist other companies for verification purposes. A record of the search will be retained.


6.1 Our shopping pages will guide you through the steps you need to take to place an order with us. Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. Please take the time to read and check your order at each page of the order process.

6.2 After you place an order, you will receive an e-mail from us confirming the details, description and price of the Product and acknowledging that we have accepted your order (Dispatch Confirmation).

6.3 The Contract between us will only be formed when we send you the Dispatch Confirmation.

6.4 If we are unable to supply you with a Product, for example because that Product is not in stock or no longer available or because we cannot meet your requested delivery date or because of an error in the price on our site as referred to in clause 14.5, we will inform you of this by e-mail and we will not process your order. If you have already paid for the Products, we will refund you the full amount including any delivery costs charged as soon as possible.


7.1 We amend these Terms from time to time. Please look at the top of this page to see when these Terms were last updated and which Terms were changed.

7.2 Every time you order Products from us, the Terms in force at the time of your order will apply to the Contract between you and us.

7.3 We may revise these Terms as they apply to your order from time to time for reasons including but not limited to changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements.

7.4 If we have to revise these Terms as they apply to your order, we will contact you to give you reasonable advance notice of the changes and let you know how to cancel the Contract if you are not happy with the changes. You may cancel either in respect of all the affected Products or just the Products you have yet to receive. If you opt to cancel, you will have to return (at our cost) any relevant Products you have already received and we will arrange a full refund of the price you have paid, including any delivery charges.


8.1 You can always end your contract with us. Your rights when you end the contract will depend on what you have bought, whether there is anything wrong with it, how we are performing and when you decide to end the contract:
(a) If what you have bought is faulty or misdescribed you may have a legal right to end the contract (or to get the Product repaired or replaced or a service re-performed or to get some or all of your money back), see clause 8;
(b) If you want to end the contract because of something we have done or have told you we are going to do, see clause 8.2;
(c) If you have just changed your mind about the Product, see clause 8.3. You may be able to get a refund if you are within the cooling-off period, but this may be subject to deductions and you will have to pay the costs of return of any goods;
(d) In all other cases (if we are not at fault and there is no right to change your mind), see clause 8.6.

8.2 Ending the contract because of something we have done or are going to do. If you are ending a contract for a reason set out at (a) to (e) below the contract will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any Products which have not been provided and you may also be entitled to compensation. The reasons are:
(a) we have told you about an upcoming change to these terms which you do not agree to (see clause 7.4);
(b) we have told you about an error in the price or description of the Product you have ordered and you do not wish to proceed;
(c) there is a risk that supply of the Products may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control;
(d) we have suspended supply of the Products for technical reasons, or notify you we are going to suspend them for technical reasons, in each case for a period of more than 14 days; or
(e) you have a legal right to end the contract because of something we have done wrong.

8.3 Exercising your right to change your mind (Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013). For most Products bought online you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days and receive a refund. These rights, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, are explained in more detail in these terms.

8.4 When you don't have the right to change your mind. You do not have a right to change your mind in respect of:
(a) Products sealed for health protection or hygiene purposes, once these have been unsealed after you receive them;
(b) any Products which become mixed inseparably with other items after their delivery.

8.5 If you change your mind about your order of the Products you have 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the Products, unless:
(a) Your Products are split into several deliveries over different days. In this case, you have until 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the last delivery to change your mind about the Products.
(b) Your Products are for regular delivery over a set period. In this case, you have until 14 days after the day you (or someone you nominate) receives the first delivery of the Products.

8.6 Ending the contract where we are not at fault and there is no right to change your mind. If you do not have any other rights to end the contract (see clause 8.1), you can still contact us before it is completed and tell us you want to end it. If you do this the contract will end immediately and we will refund any sums paid by you for Products not provided but we may deduct from that refund (or, if you have not made an advance payment, charge you) reasonable compensation for the net costs we will incur as a result of your ending the contract.

9. HOW TO END YOUR CONTRACT WITH US (Including if you have changed your mind)

9.1 Tell us you want to end the contract. To end the contract with us, please let us know by phone or email. Call our Customer Service Team on 01254 692244 or email us at [email protected]. Please provide your name, home address, details of the order and, where available, your phone number and email address.

9.2 Returning Products after ending the contract. If you end the contract for any reason after Products have been dispatched to you or you have received them, you must return them to us. You must either return the Products in person to where you bought them, post them back to us or (if they are not suitable for posting) allow us to collect them from you. Please call Customer Service Team on 01254 692244 or email us at [email protected] for a return label or to arrange collection. If you are exercising your right to change your mind you must send off the Products within 14 days of telling us you wish to end the contract.

9.3 When we will pay the costs of return. We will pay the costs of return:
(a) if the Products are faulty or misdescribed;
(b) if you are ending the contract because we have told you of an upcoming change to the Product or these terms, an error in pricing or description, a delay in delivery due to events outside our control or because you have a legal right to do so as a result of something we have done wrong; or

In all other circumstances (including where you are exercising your right to change your mind) you must pay the costs of return.

9.4 What we charge for collection. If you are responsible for the costs of return and we are collecting the Product from you, we will charge you the direct cost to us of collection.

9.5 How we will refund you. We will refund you the price you paid for the Products including delivery costs, by the method you used for payment. However, we may make deductions from the price, as described below.

9.6 Deductions from refunds. If you are exercising your right to change your mind:
(a) We may reduce your refund of the price (excluding delivery costs) to reflect any reduction in the value of the Products, if this has been caused by your handling them in a way which would not be permitted in a shop. If we refund you the price paid before we are able to inspect the Products and later discover you have handled them in an unacceptable way, you must pay us an appropriate amount.
(b) The maximum refund for delivery costs will be the costs of delivery by the least expensive delivery method we offer. For example, if we offer delivery of a Product within 3-5 days at one cost but you choose to have the Product delivered within 24 hours at a higher cost, then we will only refund what you would have paid for the cheaper delivery option.

9.7 When your refund will be made. We will make any refunds due to you as soon as possible. If you are exercising your right to change your mind then:
(a) If we have not offered to collect the Product, your refund will be made within 14 days from the day on which we receive the Product back from you or, if earlier, the day on which you provide us with evidence that you have sent the Product back to us. For information about how to return a Product to us, see clause 9.2.
(b) In all other cases, your refund will be made within 14 days of your telling us you have changed your mind


10.1 We may end the contract if you break it. We may end the contract for a Product at any time by writing to you if:
(a) you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you still do not make payment within 14 days of us reminding you that payment is due;
(b) you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the Products;
(c) you do not, within a reasonable time, allow us to deliver the Products to you or collect them from us; or
(d) We become aware that you may not legally purchase or that we may not legally supply the Products to you or that you have provided false or inaccurate information on your order.

10.2 You must compensate us if you break the contract. If we end the contract in the situations set out in clause 10.1 we will refund any money you have paid in advance for Products we have not provided but we may deduct or charge you reasonable compensation for the net costs we will incur as a result of your breaking the contract.

10.3 We may withdraw the Product. We may write to you to let you know that we are going to stop providing the Product. We will let you know at least 7 days in advance of our stopping the supply of the Product and will refund any sums you have paid in advance for Products which will not be provided


11.1 How to tell us about problems. If you have any questions or complaints about the Product, please contact us. You can telephone our Customer Service Team on01254 692244 or write to us at [email protected] or Pillbox 38(UK) Limited Stancliffe Street, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 2QR.

11.2 Summary of your legal rights. We are under a legal duty to supply Products that are in conformity with this contract. See the box below for a summary of your key legal rights in relation to the Product. Nothing in these terms will affect your legal rights.

Summary of your key legal rights

This is a summary of your key legal rights. These are subject to certain exceptions. For detailed information please visit the Citizens Advice website www.adviceguide.org.uk or call 03454 04 05 06.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says goods must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. During the expected life of your Product your legal rights entitle you to the following:

  • up to 30 days: if your item is faulty, then you can get a refund.
  • up to six months: if your faulty item can't be repaired or replaced, then you're entitled to a full refund, in most cases.
  • up to six years: if the item can be expected to last up to six years you may be entitled to a repair or replacement, or, if that doesn't work, some of your money back.


11.3 Your obligation to return rejected Products. If you wish to exercise your legal rights to reject Products you must either return them in person to where you bought them, or alternatively contact customer services on 01254 692244 or write to us at [email protected] for a return label.


12.1 We will contact you with an estimated delivery date, which will be within 7 business days after the date of the Dispatch Confirmation (the date on which we e-mail you to confirm our acceptance of your order) if you are based in the UK and within 10 business days after the date of the Dispatch Confirmation if you are based outside the UK. Occasionally our delivery to you may be affected by an Event Outside Our Control. See clause 19 for our responsibilities when this happens.

12.2 Delivery of an Order shall be completed when we deliver the Products to the address you gave us and the Products will be your responsibility from that time.

12.3 You own the Products once we have received payment in full, including all applicable delivery charges.

12.4 If we miss the delivery deadline as detailed in clause 12.1 for any Products then you may:
(a) agree a new delivery date; or
(b) cancel your Order and receive a full refund.

12.5 If you do choose to cancel your Order for late delivery under clause 9.3(b), you can do so for just some of the Products or all of them, unless splitting them up would significantly reduce their value. If the Products have been delivered to you, you will have to return them to us and we will pay the costs of this. After you cancel your Order we will refund any sums you have paid to us for the cancelled Products and their delivery.


13.1 There are restrictions on some Products for certain International Delivery Destinations, if we are unable to deliver all or part of your order, we will inform you and either offer a full refund or ship the part of the order we can deliver and offer a partial refund for the difference.

13.2 If you order Products from our site for delivery to one of the International Delivery Destinations, your order may be subject to import duties and taxes which are applied when the delivery reaches that destination. Please note that we have no control over these charges and we cannot predict their amount.

13.3 You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order.

13.4 You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country for which the Products are destined. We will not be liable or responsible if you break any such law.

13.5 Please be aware that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities.


14.1 The prices of the Products will be as quoted on our site at the time you submit your order. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the prices of Products are correct at the time when the relevant information was entered onto the system. However please see clause 14.5 for what happens if we discover an error in the price of Product(s) you ordered.

14.2 Prices for our Products may change from time to time, but changes will not affect any order you have already placed.

14.3 The price of a Product includes VAT (where applicable) at the applicable current rate chargeable in the UK for the time being. However, if the rate of VAT changes between the date of your order and the date of delivery, we will adjust the VAT you pay, unless you have already paid for the Products in full before the change in VAT takes effect.

14.4 The price of a Product does not include delivery charges. Our delivery charges are as advised to you during the check-out process before you confirm your order. To check relevant delivery charges, please refer to our Delivery Charges page

14.5 Our site contains a large number of Products. It is always possible that, despite our reasonable efforts, some of the Products on our site may be incorrectly priced. If we discover an error in the price of the Products you have ordered we will contact you to inform you of this error and we will give you the option of continuing to purchase the Product at the correct price or cancelling your order. We will not process your order until we have your instructions. If we are unable to contact you using the contact details you provided during the order process, we will treat the order as cancelled and notify you in writing. If we mistakenly accept and process your order where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mispricing, we may cancel supply of the Product and refund you any sums you have paid.


15.1 You can only pay for Products using either a PayPal account or a debit card or credit card via PayPal.

15.2 Payment for the Products and all applicable delivery charges is in advance. We will not charge your debit card or credit card until we dispatch your order.


16.1 Duration of warranty periods from date of purchase:

  • Full kits – 6 months (N.B. some included accessories may differ)
  • Battery units and mods – 6 months
  • Tanks – 6 months
  • Atomizer heads, open pod cartridges and pre-filled pods – consumable item, dead-on-arrival only
  • Accessories (chargers, leads) – 12 months
  • Individual battery cells – 6 months

16.2 You should be aware that our electronic cigarette atomizers although made to the highest quality, may fail or degrade over a period of time. An electronic cigarette atomizer's expected lifespan is around 7-14 days depending on usage.

16.3 The warranty in clause 16.1 to 16.2 does not apply to any defect in the Products arising from:

(a) fair wear and tear;
(b) wilful damage, abnormal storage or working conditions, accident, negligence by you or by any third party;
(c) failure by you to operate or use the Products in accordance with the user instructions;
(d) failure by you to carry normal maintenance of the Products including regular cleaning of components and connectors;
(e) any alteration or repair by you or by a third party who is not one of our authorised repairers; or
(f) any specification provided by you.

16.4 This warranty is in addition to and does not affect, your legal rights in relation to Products that are faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.


17.1 You agree that you will read and comply with any instructions and product warnings on the Products. You shall also read and follow the guidance contained in the Battery Safety Guide section of the website.

17.2 You acknowledge that we make no claims that an electronic cigarette will cure a smoker's addiction to nicotine; the electronic cigarettes we sell serve the same purpose as a tobacco cigarette in that they deliver nicotine to the user. If a user of the Products suffers from the disease of Tobacco or Nicotine Dependence Syndrome and wants to take steps to give up smoking or cut down the quantity of cigarettes they currently smoke, we recommend visiting a health care provider to discuss Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or a nicotine harm reduction programme.

17.3 You acknowledge that we are not a pharmaceutical company and do not produce medical products.

17.4 You also acknowledge that:
(a) the Products may be hazardous to health and are intended for use by adult smokers;
(b) the Products must be kept out of reach of children;
(c) the Products are not suitable for use by persons who are under the age of 18; persons who are sensitive or allergic to nicotine; and should be used with caution by persons with or at a risk of an unstable heart condition or high blood pressure.


18.1 If we fail to comply with these Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.

18.2 We only supply the Products for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the product for any commercial, business or resale purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

18.3 We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for:
(a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
(c) any breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (title and quiet possession);
(d) any breach of the terms implied by section 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (description, satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and samples); and
(e) defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.


19.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control. An Event Outside Our Control is defined below in clause 19.2.

19.2 An Event Outside Our Control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks or impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport.

19.3 If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under a Contract:
(a) we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and
(b) our obligations under a Contract will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control. Where the Event Outside Our Control affects our delivery of Products to you, we will arrange a new delivery date with you after the Event Outside Our Control is over.

19.4 You may cancel a Contract affected by an Event Outside Our Control which has continued for more than 30 days. To cancel please contact us. If you opt to cancel, you will have to return (at our cost) any relevant Products you have already received and we will refund the price you have paid, including any delivery charges.


20.1 When we refer, in these Terms, to "in writing", this will include e-mail.

20.2 You may contact us as described in clause 1.2.


21.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under a Contract to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms. We will always notify you by posting on this webpage if this happens.

21.2 You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms to another person if we agree in writing. However, if you are a consumer and you have purchased a Product as a gift, you may transfer the benefit of our warranty in clause 16 to the recipient of the gift without needing to ask our consent.

21.3 This Contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise. However, if you are a consumer, the recipient of your gift of a Product will have the benefit of our warranty at clause 16, but we and you will not need their consent to cancel or make any changes to these Terms.

21.4 Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

21.5 If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.

21.6 If any term or provision of these Terms is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms had been agreed with the invalid illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.

21.7 Please note that these Terms are governed by English law. This means a Contract for the purchase of Products through our site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by English law. You and we both agree to that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction. However, if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.

21.8 If you make a complaint that we fail to resolve to your satisfaction you have a right of recourse to an alternative dispatch resolution service.